Dear sir, I quit!
Well, after much blog hiatus, I'm finally back with an important update about the future of my career as a college student. After suffering some major setbacks with classes, grades, and personal problems, I've made the decision to take some time off school.
So I cancelled my room assignment for next year, refrained from registering for fall classes and contacted Registration about my enrollment options. Finals are next week, I'll be moving out after that, and while I'll be sad to leave behind my cute little studio apartment, I'm not upset about leaving university behind for some time.
I've had to really stop and examine where my life is going and what I want out of it. I had a pretty solid plan in the beginning, but a lot of that doesn't seem as appealing now and I don't have the same passion. I know a lot of that is due in part to my depression/anxiety issues, but also because my interests have changed.
I still love the idea of pursuing linguistics as a degree, but I don't think it's in the cards right now. When I'm ready to pick up the school routine again, I may go some place small like a community college or vocational school to finish up my generals. From there, my options open up a bit.
So I'm trying not to worry about it, really. I just need to take this time off to reflect, relax, and maybe get some writing done. It's been a really long time since I've sat down to properly write anything and I've got a novel in the editing process that's been screaming my name for a while, so maybe I'll get on that.
I've also got a busy summer ahead of - what with Lindsey Stirling making an MN appearance in June, a road trip in July, and a bunch of stuff happening in August. Now I'm free to just kick back and enjoy all of that.
I feel like I've made a good decision here. And I don't think my three years at SCSU were a waste, I learned a lot about myself and what I'm currently capable of and what I need to work out. So no regrets.
It's the best way to live. Everything is a lesson.
I think my last comment didn't post. I think it is a great idea to take time off and take some of the pressure off. Allow yourself to relax. Especially if you are now unsure if you still want to take that career path! Good luck and best wishes!