I went from long to short.
Webcam photo, SeaTac
When we began our trip across the western United States, my hair was shoulder length and I had a set of messed up bangs I was desperately trying to trim up myself. To no real avail, using a hotel bathroom mirror and poor lighting.
So when we reached Olympia and were strolling around the Capital Mall, I spied a MasterCuts salon that was offering cheap haircuts and couldn't resist. I needed something that would be easy to wash and require minimal product. Also on my mind was something that could be freshened up in a bathroom sink, worst case scenario.
Webcam photo, Chaska MN
And so we wind up with the popular summer pixie cut. I've certainly had my hair this short in the past, but never in quite this style. It's pretty easy to care for, all it does is sit on my head and I swoop it one direction or the other. Today I left it combed forward normally, doing it's thing.
For a minute, it was shorter than Tyler's hair. Only for a minute though, I trimmed his up again recently.
I'm actually hoping that soon I'll get my hands on some fun pomade or hair wax and start doing some crazy shit with it again. I had a lot of fun styling my hair last time it was really short and I want that experience once more!
For any of my followers who rock the pixie look, what are you tried and true styling recommendations?
It looks cute! Enjoy it!