Why Did I Start Blogging?

Why do people blog?

I used to ask myself that question, especially when I first came across Blogger and Wordpress and it was just a bunch of people spewing their innermost thoughts onto a webpage. I used to wonder why people felt the need to spill intimate details about their lives to complete strangers.

And after a while I started to understand. People needed an outlet. People needed a place to vent. People craved a space to share their knowledge, their ideas, the results of their latest experiment, etc. People needed connection.

And ultimately - that's what blogging is. It's connecting to other people.

When I first started blogging, I didn't have a clear direction. I just wanted to write. So anything and everything went and if my old Livejournal still existed, there'd probably be a lot of incriminating evidence against me in a trial of good judgement. But it was cathartic, to be able to jot down all the things happening to me and what I was feeling at a time when I couldn't safely share that anywhere else.

My first blogger was about Gothic Lolita fashion - I wanted to post my outfit snaps, connect with other Lolitas and consume everything Lolita-fashion related I could get my hands on. To be honest, that blog still exists -- it's just rarely used.

This one recently underwent reconstructive surgery.

It only makes sense. I'm a different person now. I have different things to share and write about. And it's not just about me now - there's a WHOLE demographic of people like me out there who might just be craving that same kind of connection I needed so badly back then.

So I'm blogging for them.

For the broke, Midwest girls almost out of their twenties and still wondering why they don't have their life together.

For the thrifty Goodwill shopper who somehow managed to fill her wardrobe with nothing but secondhand luxury items and always looks like a million bucks.

For the haggard office worker who would love to have an extra few minutes each morning to swipe some mascara on, but barely has the energy for a facial rinse.

For the budget-conscious apartment dweller who wants cute (but cheap!) decor ideas and easy meals to prep that don't involve shelling out non-existent money for avocados and steel-rolled oats.

For myself. For all the things I've gone through, pulled through, and survived.

This is why I blog.


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