*My God, It's Full of Stars* - Tracy K. Smith


Never let it be said that I do not possess a bizarre talent for quiet but sudden upward mobility.

Hey, context is fun, right?

My company is expanding, slowly but surely. It has been since summer - when we finally jumped ship in St Paul to move a few miles north to a much nicer (and more corporate-cozy) office space in the 'burbs. With that expansion comes new procedures and new ways of doing things. And sometimes, as in my case, it means finally doing something that had never been done before.

I'm gonna be real - my company's presence on social media is...nonexistent, to put it nicely. Our sole Facebook page hasn't been touched in three years and features a nasty 1 Star review at the top of the page. NOT. A. GOOD. LOOK.

And with our former Customer Care Manager now in charge of our entire Administration Department, she's shaking things up, bringing a fresher and younger approach to how we run things, and desperately trying to implement some more structure to how we do business - in the long run making it easier on us all. (And having everything documented in case we need to train in new people in the future....)

Part of that structure and implementation involves reshuffling some job duties and adding to the workload of others. I'm that rare breed that volunteers to take on new things, especially if I know I can easily work it into my existing work routine AND if I can tell my fellow coworkers are getting whiplash from all the new changes.

I've gone from scanning files and making sure everything is indexed properly to juggling that along with handling state compliance issues, preparing and sending mass emails, filling in for front desk duty when others are out and now, it looks like I might see a promotion in my future as I have offered to be the sole representative in charge of Social Media Marketing for the company.

My qualifications?

Well, I run a blog. (Hi!) I've moderated forums and pages for different organizations in the past. I'm fairly good at formatting, provided it's simple HTML. And I'm internet savvy.

More so than, it seems, most of the other people in my office.

So my manager and the head of the company are both on board with me taking on this new responsibility, after we meet and go over some of the information on the proposal I put together. And, hopefully, after a slight pay raise and a shiny new addition to my job title.

Interpreter Admin. Support Specialist/Social Media Manager?

Have you been promoted in your field? How did you get to that point and did the promotion help or hinder your career enjoyment?


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